Line Sole

Line Tramonto del Sole Levare del Sole 

as limited edition

Lineamare lantern Laterne Levare del sole - Johannes Volckmann
Lineamare lantern Laterne Tramonto del sole - Johannes Volckmann

Levare del sole  &  Tramonto del sole 

This selected pieces of artwork – created in a limited edition of 999 pieces each - in black-gold or white-silver – will immerse appartements, hotels, representatives or private residences in a warm and cosy ambiance.

Tramonto del sole

This limited golden sunset edition Tramonto del sole - handcrafted in black and gold - is dedicated to my birthplace and childhood with its beautiful memories on the shores of lake Lago Maggiore in Ticino (Switzerland). Memories of relaxing balmy evenings, when the last golden rays of the sun said goodbye to the dark night that slowly settled over the mountain peaks.

With this masterpiece of craftsmanship, I wish you wonderful, enjoyable and inspiring evenings with family, friends and all the people who are close to your heart.

Levare del sole

This limited silver sunrise edition Levare del sole - handcrafted in white and silver - is dedicated to my birthplace and childhood with its beautiful memories on the shores of lake Lago Maggiore in Ticino (Switzerland). The beautiful refreshing moments in the morning, when the day awakens and the first warm rays of sunshine bathe the still sleeping lake and narrow shores in their warm, silver light.

With this masterpiece of craftsmanship, I wish you wonderful, enjoyable and inspiring days with family, friends and all the people who are close to your heart.



  • Small: Size: ~ 20 x 20 x 50cm – weight: ~ 7kg
  • Medium: Size: ~ 25 x 25 x 62cm – weight: ~ 12kg
  • Large: Size: ~ 30 x 30 x 75cm – weight: ~ 16kg

Prices & Where to buy?


  • No customizings possible within this limited edition.
  • The candles depicted in the lanterns are user for decoration purposes only and are neither part of the product nor included in the scope of delivery.

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